11:26 AM

Jorge e Mateus

Let me introduce you to Jorge e Mateus.

From what I've heard of their music, they're kinda like contemporary Brazilian country. They're good! I've downloaded some songs and I sing along to the few I know (If only I knew what I was singing - haha).

They will be playing at the Estancia Alto da Serra on September 11, 2010 (My birthday, conveniently). There is a group of us going, my friend Dani told me about these guys, and she even got a ticket for me...and I'm still in Canada!  How cool is she?

In other news, with 2 weeks to go, have been diligently listening to my Portuguese CD's and have a growing list of phrases that may come in handy scribbled in a notebook. Mostly stuff like "where is the bathroom?' (onde e banheiro?) and the one that will get the most use I am sure: "I am lost" (estou perdida).

This is my favorite song of Jorge e Mateus, "Amo Noite de Dia"

11:39 AM


August 14, 2010

With only 3 weeks left (seriously, where did the time go?) I realize that I should be putting a little more emphasis on ‘planning my trip’. I have been learning about the cities, people, culture, etc, etc. but not really planning my day-to-day itinerary (and I was advised –and by a Brazilian- that this is not the occasion to ‘take it as it comes’). So, I suppose this will be my next task.

That being said, I should stress that I'm not unprepared. I did book a hostel for my first week in Sao Paulo; however, my friend Pedro (who is picking me up from the airport) has very kindly invited me to stay with him and his family instead. My problem isn't that I don't have plans, I have too many!

This was a cool week. I met my friend Fabio at the airport on Tuesday, he is from Sao Paulo, and has come to Edmonton to study his masters. We've been hanging out a lot this week, and he has been teaching me some new words (including numbers- my inspiration for the title of this post) and telling me a lot of good-to-know things about Brazil. Things that I wouldn’t have known otherwise (including ‘don’t drink the tap water…’) hmm, definitely good to know, thanks Fabio!

On a final note, my passport -equipped with my Brazilian Visa- arrived in the mail this week, which was quite a relief. I’ve heard it’s not uncommon for there to be delays in processing, so I was very happy to see it safely in my hands. I find it amusing to look at, because although it’s my photo, my name, etc. it is all written in Portuguese. awesome :)